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Thank you so much for participating in this open street casting call!

Please fill in the form below and come to the open casting call
this Saturday April 27th! *** running is optional!

9am-10am pre run open street casting
10am Slowpokes 5 km run
10:30am-12pm apres run open street casting

The info you provide on this form, and the photos from the casting will be used for future castings, and to reach out to you about potential gigs!

Thank you!
We look forward to meeting you on Saturday!


are you signed with an agency?
if not, don’t worry about this field
if not, dont worry about this field
if not, don’t worry about this field
measure the circumference of the widest part of your chest
suit sizing like you would find in a store 34,36,38,40,42 etc
pants you buy at the store
if you dont know please go to a store and try some on 🙂
is there anything else you would like us to know about your measurments?
only list your activity if you DID NOT find it in the above menu.
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