Legends Café wants to help you find the right humans to tell your story. Whether you would like a comprehensive casting day with tens or hundreds of options, or a package of suggestions to get your project started, we have the ability, network and database to service your needs. We dig deep through street casting, online casting, agency community and our library of talent to give you lots of options.
Legends Café commits to representing folks and assisting them in navigating the talent and fashion industry in BC and Canada in an ethical and safe way. From advising them on collaborations to getting them paid up on time, we have our talents back.
Legends Café also offers production services in the fashion and commercial industry. Sometimes clients reach out for casting and additionally need photographers, location scouting, styling, and project management for their productions. Because of our wide reach, we can facilitate services in all prongs of production and creation.
Mila Franovic grew up in Belgrade, Serbia and immigrated to Canada on a plane playing tetris at 9, in 1994. After delivering a ton of newspapers, staying up till 4am with her dad learning math and tossing 100 pizzas, Mila produced her first photoshoot at 17 years old. In the basement of her families home in burnaby, she sewed the clothes, hired the models, built the set, took the photos, directed the posing, collaged the photos and laid the photoshoot out. After meeting and working with a lot of local and international creatives, and being involved in fashion and art for the past decade (and a half), Mila found that casting, helping people navigate the space and creating a community is was what she wanted to do most.

Legends Café Manifesto
- have fun
- be kind
- help each other make some cash
- prioritize community
- share knowlege
- do no harm
- treat each other equally